Health in Companies

What is a PMO?

Under Article 18 of the Working Conditions Act, companies are obliged to periodically give employees the opportunity to undergo a Preventive Medical Examination (PMO). Existing PMOs often consist of a company doctor or survey. Using new testing technologies, HomedIQ is able to offer new insights into various biomarkers through a self-test. These self-tests are easy to perform at home, which increases the effectiveness of the PMO and makes it easy to implement.

Absence due to illness is a growing problem among companies: in 2021, 54 out of 1000 employees called in sick (CBS, 2021). A sick employee can cost their employer between 250 and 400 euros per day (ZilverenKruis). By providing employees with insight into certain markers in their blood, individuals can work on tackling health risks before acute illness occurs. Absenteeism can drop by up to 20% after performing a PMO (ErasmusMC). Additionally, the productivity of your company can increase by 10%!

Company Report

PMOs do not only allow employees to become aware of their health status- the employer also gets a general overview of the health of the company. In this way, targeted interventions can be implemented in the workplace to tackle problems at the root.

  • Data based on anonymous test results
  • Ability to implement targeted interventions in the workplace
  • Follow-up testing
  • Evaluate of the effectiveness of health interventions

The Test Process

1. Take your sample

Activate your test with the unique code and complete the online intake survey. Collect your blood sample and return it to the lab. Homed-IQ test kits contain all the necessary materials and return postage to complete your sample.

2. View your results

View your test results in your personal account and find relevant tips and lifestyle advice to optimise your health. You can also contact our medical team if you have any questions about the content of the test results.

3. Get to work!

Get started on making any necessary changes based on your test results. Adjust your lifestyle in areas where there is still room for improvement or speak to your doctor about the results. Take advantage of our digital platforms and content for advice.

4. A second measurement

Measure your biomarkers again after 12 months and see the impact of lifestyle changes or new health interventions.


Measure your values again

After a period of 12 months, employees will be given the opportunity to test themselves again. Based on the difference in results, the employee and employer gain insight into the success of lifestyle changes and/or company-level health interventions. This provides insight into the effectiveness of the applied interventions and whether the individual is on the right track.

The advantages

For the employee:
+ Easy to take from home
+ Anonymous test results
+ Insight into your own health
+ Personalised advice based on test results
For the employer:
+ A high-level overview of the health of your company
+ A more targeted approach to health interventions in the workplace
+ Increase in productivity
+ Decrease in absenteeism costs


With Homed-IQ it is possible to gain insight into your health in a simple way and to track biomarkers such as blood sugar, cholesterol, liver and kidney function, and key vitamins and minerals. Homed-IQ’s Preventive Health Screening and Corporate Health Check measure several key biomarkers from a single blood sample.